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[Flex]Hello World
Flex Hello World Project
1. Open Flex Builder.
2. Choose File➪New➪Flex Project.
3. Enter a project name (for the sample application, enter Hello World)
and click Finish.
Creating the Hello World application
1. Write an <mx:Label /> tag directly in the MXML code editor, which
opens by default when you create a new Flex project.
2. Directly in the Label MXML tag, add the following code:
text=”Hello World!”
<mx:Label text=”Hello World!” />
3. To center the Label control, add one center constraint to the Label tag
by using the horizontalCenter attribute and setting the value to 0.
Add this code to the Label MXML tag:
<mx:Label text=”Hello World!” horizontalCenter=”0” />
Design mode renders an to indicate what it will look like when you run it.
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